To realise this vision, the Smart Atlantic Way has adopted the following set of objectives:
- Smart Regional Observatory – a regional knowledge hub will provide the leadership and ambition, to oversee, guide and steer the formulating of a strategic programme of work, which will drive forward the Smart Atlantic Way.
- Data Infrastructure & Services will open up access to technical expertise, knowledge and data resources for enabling the initiation, development and sustainability of a common regional infrastructure. This pillar is in partnership with the Local Authrities.
- Develop a Governance Framework for the coordination and monitoring of ongoing initiatives at community, local authority and regional levels, in order to drive towards effectiveness and attainment international best practise. This pillar is working in partnership with EU expertise.
- Smart Business Network will drive on the existing regional network of businesses and nonprofit entities engaging in region-wide Smart activity and initiatives. This pillar developed in conjunction with the business community pursue collective & emerging initiatives, as well as providing a platform of support.
- Smart Community will work with civil society, local authorities, businesses, academia, representatives of inhabitants and other stakeholders to identify initiatives which will lead to economy of scope and scales across the region, in order to develop capacity, to participate in smart region initiatives.